
fin_crimes2利昂县警长办公室金融犯罪部门致力于侦查和逮捕针对利昂县公民的欺诈相关犯罪. 这些罪行包括挪用公款, 银行诈骗, 诈骗, 信用卡诈骗, 电脑欺诈, financial exploitation of the elderly/disabled and other white collar crimes. The 金融 Crime Unit also conducts forensic analysis on computers and related peripherals. The unit is active in the North Florida Cyber Crimes Task Force and Infraguard. 网络犯罪特遣部队是由本地, 状态, and Federal 年龄ncies in combating crime perpetrated using the Internet. Infraguard是政府机构和公众在网络犯罪侦查方面的共同努力, 调查, 和预防. 金融犯罪股还参与了由佛罗里达银行家协会发起的欺诈网络电子邮件警报系统. The system allows detectives to share information and intelligence, 关键可疑数据, and photographs with other investigators from 21 states and Puerto Rico.

The 金融罪案组 works jointly with the Big Bend Fraud & Forgery Task Force which consists of representatives from financial institutions, 执法部门和公司/零售安全部门每月举行一次会议,讨论本地区发生的事件,以防止未来的欺诈行为.

Two detectives assigned to the unit are Certified Fraud Examiners (CFE). 注册欺诈审查员协会是一个专业组织,为公共和私营部门的金融犯罪调查员提供认证. 该课程包括超过50个小时的学习材料和由600个问题组成的四部分考试. The 金融罪案组 participates in the Tallahassee CFE Chapter.



大本德欺诈和伪造特别工作组是一个由专业人士和组织组成的小组,起因是针对大本德地区商业和银行业的经济犯罪数量不断上升. 由于这些犯罪的复杂性质, 执法, 银行ing and the business community needed a way to exchange information, 解释每个成员面临的问题,减少商业和银行遭受的经济损失,并确保成功的刑事起诉.

大本德欺诈和伪造特别小组的成员通常在每个月的第二个星期二开会. 这些会议协助大本德欺诈和伪造工作小组发展和维持金融部门之间的联系, 零售, 企业安全, 执法和司法. Membership is open to anyone fulfilling membership qualifications, among which is employment in one of the fields of 银行ing, 零售, 企业安全, 执法或司法.

There is a $50 annual fee for membership, per organization. Meeting attendance is then open to each of the member's employees. The 大本德欺诈和伪造专案组 invites you to become a member.

有关特别工作组的更多信息,请通过电子邮件联系秘书/财务主管贝丝·帕拉莫尔 bparramore@fmb银行.com.


  • "We suspect an unauthorized transaction on your account. 以确保您的帐户不被泄露, 请点击下面的链接并确认您的身份."
  • "During our regular verification of accounts, we couldn’t verify your information. Please click here to update and verify your information."

你收到过类似的邮件吗? 这是一种被称为“网络钓鱼”的骗局,它涉及网络诈骗者发送垃圾邮件或弹出信息来引诱个人信息(信用卡号码), 银行账户信息, 社会安全号码, 密码, or other sensitive information) from unsuspecting victims.

根据联邦贸易委员会(FTC), 国家消费者保护机构, 钓鱼者发送一封电子邮件或弹出消息,声称来自您可能打交道的企业或组织(例如, 互联网服务提供商(ISP), 银行, 网上支付服务, 甚至是政府机构). The mess年龄 may ask you to “update,” “validate,” or “confirm” your account information. Some phishing emails threaten a dire consequence if you don’t respond. The mess年龄s direct you to a website that looks just like a legitimate organization’s site. 但事实并非如此. 这是一个虚假的网站,其唯一目的是欺骗你泄露你的个人信息,这样运营商就可以窃取你的身份,并以你的名义积累账单或犯罪.

The FTC suggests these tips to help you avoid getting hooked by a phishing scam:

  • 如果你收到一封要求你提供个人或财务信息的电子邮件或弹出信息,不要回复. 也不要点击邮件中的链接.
  • Use anti-virus software and a firewall, and keep them up to date.
  • 不要用电子邮件发送个人或财务信息.
  • 一旦收到信用卡和银行账户对账单,就检查是否有未经授权的费用.
  • Be cautious about opening any attachment or downloading any files from emails you receive, 不管谁送的.
  • 转发垃圾邮件,即网络钓鱼信息 spam@uce.政府 and to the company, 银行, or organization impersonated in the phishing email.
  • If you believe you’ve been scammed, file your complaint at www.联邦贸易委员会.政府,然后访问联邦贸易委员会的身份盗窃网站 www.消费者.政府 / idtheft.

You can learn other ways to avoid email 诈骗 and deal with deceptive spam at www.联邦贸易委员会.政府 /垃圾邮件.

你也可以参观F.B.I.的消费者欺诈网站 www.美国联邦调查局.政府 / majcases /欺诈/ fraudschemes.htm.



cc_fraudCredit card fraud costs credit card companies and holders roughly 1.每年50亿美元. 这是一种利润丰厚的犯罪形式,以至于一些毒贩已经停止了交易,转而从事信用卡交易. There are numerous forms of 信用卡诈骗 that can be committed by thieves, 合法持卡人,甚至是企业主.

信用卡丢失或被盗占信用卡公司每年损失的一半. The greatest number of stolen cards are taken from the card holders vehicles. Following closely in second place is the theft of credit cards in the workplace.

未收到物品(NRI)是新卡或替换卡,已邮寄给适当的个人, 但已被声称未收到. Cards can be stolen anywhere from the card issuer to the persons mailbox. Several security measures used to battle NRI incurred losses are duel dating, 卡激活和替代交付. Dual dating only allows the card to be activated one month after it has been mailed. This gives the cardholder time to report non-delivery of the card. 卡激活要求持卡人通过电话激活卡,然后才能使用卡. To avoid high loss mail centers, alternative delivery is used. Private shipping companies are used with secure facilities to ensure no employee theft.

Fraudulent application is the use of information misrepresentation to obtain a 银行 card. The use of a true name with a false address is a common form of fraudulent application.

Counterfeit and altered credit cards are another form of 信用卡诈骗. 假卡是由发卡银行以外的人非法制造的卡. 变造卡是指通过机械或电子手段改变其性质的真卡. 压花数字可以被压平,允许重印,磁条可以重新编码,以匹配或不匹配前面的新数字.

未经授权使用或无卡诈骗是一些最容易实施的信用卡诈骗类型. These crimes are known as "moto" crimes, standing for "money order telephone order". 这是一种商品订购,商家只得到一个信用卡号码,从不验证卡的有效性或查看签名.

由于信用卡欺诈在当今社会很普遍,我们必须采取措施来保护我们的信用卡. Treat credit cards as you would handle currency of the same value. 记住一张5000美元的信用卡.00美元的限额可以像5000美元一样使用.00现金. 还要记住,信用卡公司的损失是由信用卡公司转嫁给消费者的.
